Quick auto repair shop financing can be hard to come by through traditional lending sources, especially when you have less than perfect credit score. A merchant cash advance can be an empowering solution as it allows auto repair shop owners and owners of other small businesses to raise cash quickly in exchange for a portion of their future revenues.
Cash Flow Challenges Of Small Businesses
Many small businesses have trouble juggling cash flow with the current and future financing requirements. Sometimes, businesses need cash on hand fast – for instance, an auto repair shop to procure high in demand spares. The struggle is compounded in the case of seasonal businesses or when business owners have imperfect credit scores which make them ineligible for traditional financing via banks and other lending institutions. And then there’s the issue of waiting around for bank funds to come through and the issue of putting up collateral – these challenges can lead to small businesses struggling for mere survival.
Mcas Are Fastest Funding Solutions
Whether you need auto repair shop financing or financing for any other small business, a cash advance is the absolutely fastest funding solution in the market. How fast is fast? If you’re eligible and you agree to the terms of the contract, you can receive an upfront amount in your business bank amount within 2-3 business days, if not on the same day. Merchant cash advance providers have a streamlined process to review applications and approve funding. The online application process is simple enough – you just need to provide proof that your business has been around for six months or more and provide recent business bank statements to prove that you have healthy incoming revenues.
Mcas Come With High Approval Rates
Many small business owners with imperfect credit try their luck with banks even though they know their chances of getting approved for a bank advance are low. Obtaining a cash advance for small businesses with bad credit is a more realistic expectation. Cash advance providers make the ability to earn and ability to repay through future receivables their primary condition to approve funding. Moreover, cash advance lenders do not typically ask for collateral – a hugely beneficial feature for small business owners who do not have significant personal assets.
Don’t Waste Time In Crunch Situations
Instead of wasting time exploring possible funding solutions in crunch situations, business owners should immediately consider cash advance for small businesses with bad credit. This will help them receive immediate funding to meet their current needs. This does not mean that cash advances cannot be used to fund future initiatives. Whether it is purchasing additional inventory, or equipment, expanding to a new location or implementing a marketing campaign, a cash advance can be used for any business-related purpose.
A merchant cash advance is a simple, convenient, and fast way to get the business funding you need – now! To see if you qualify, fill in a simple online application form on the website of a trusted cash advance lending company!